10, Rue des Romains

L-2444 Luxembourg

+352 48 80 08


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Property Management

What does building management mean for owners?
It is an administrative follow-up and a monitoring for the good functioning of the infrastructures put in place.
Management of the various companies in the event of a problem (heating breakdown, various leaks, etc.)
The manager is responsible for the accounts and must organise at least one general meeting per year.
At this meeting, it will present the year’s income and expenditure to the co-owners so that they are kept informed of the management of their property.

It is at this general meeting that decisions are taken:

  • Concerning the works to be considered with a call for tenders to several companies,
  • Study of the estimates,
  • Possible neighbourhood nuisances,
  • The completion of the vertical cadastre.

The management of the building and exterior maintenance staff (hours, illness, replacement…)
and everything that affects the proper functioning of the building under management.

Assistance to owners

You are looking for a plumber, you don’t have time to open the door to your heating engineer because you have to work.
You need the lowest possible quote to re-roof your house, to move house, to draw up a sales contract or a rental agreement, the management of your property is not easy etc. ….
In order to avoid numerous telephone calls, to organise appointments at office hours and to waste time waiting for and reaching the various trades, the company Foris takes care of everything for your convenience.

Legal assistance

You need to recover an unpaid bill – your tenant does not pay the rent or utilities regularly. Your landlord is not giving you your deposit back.
You need to write a letter of claim, dispute an unjustified bill but you don’t know how to go about it.
Given the economic crisis of a market in full restructuring it is sometimes difficult and lack of time and money to carry out a dispute.
In order to make things easier for you, our office can write letters for you. But also to make different appointments in order to solve or put you on the right track to solve your problem as well as possible.
For these recovery assistance interventions a fixed amount of 180 € including VAT will be charged. However, if necessary, depending on the difficulty of the case, we will give you an estimate.


Every newcomer to a foreign country is immediately confronted with the problems of a shortage of accommodation, exorbitant prices compared to their salary, and the difficulty of making themselves understood in their own language.
For this reason, Foris is launching an online network to facilitate access to housing for newcomers at a very attractive cost. So become our partners and make your life easier.
Foris will manage your move, administrative procedures, drafting of contracts for a fixed fee of 180 € TTC.

Homestay room

Are you looking to increase your income?
Your children have left home and you have some free space.
The Foris agency can help you to invest by placing trainees and university students in your home for a short period of time or even a few months.
Indeed, the job market is in full restructuring and with the current financial crisis, more and more young foreigners are arriving in the financial centre of Luxembourg to do temporary work.
This is why it is urgent to innovate the real estate market in this area so that owners and trainees find their accounts according to their means and in all security for both parties.
We select for you good roommates according to your requirements and an advisor will follow up during the whole period of cohabitation.


Tenants – landlords protect yourselves:
Do you know that a good inventory of fixtures done by a professional can save you money and trouble.
Because in the event of a dispute and in court only a good inventory of fixtures and a witness can prove your good faith.
This is why the Foris agency proposes a complete and precise document with photos in several copies for a fixed price of 180 € TTC.
So don’t hesitate to call on a rigorous and professional service to secure your future.